Noteworthy Packages#
Non-exhaustive list of popular packages useful to scientists.
NumPy: multi-dimensional arrays and various numerical computing tools.
SciPy: routines for numerical integration, interpolation, linear algebra etc.
SymPy: symbolic mathematics.
pandas: powerful data analysis with a 3500+ pages user guide.
matplotlib, seaborn, bokeh: plotting and data visualization.
scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch: machine learning and deep learning.
Not directly scientific#
sphinx: documentation generator (incl LaTeX export).
MyST: Markedly Structured Text is a Markdown flavor with extended features.
jupyterbook: create books and other documents from Jupyter notebooks.
click: command-line interface creation kit.
jinja: templating engine to generate files from data, code and a template.
cookiecutter: create projects and file structures from templates.
SQLAlchemy: database toolkit and object relational mapper (ORM).
pillow: “Python Imaging Library” for image processing.
lxml, scrapy, beautifulsoup: web scraper and parser.
pytest: testing framework.