
To make full use of conditionals a wide range of tests is helpful. Traditionally there have been two programs test (/usr/bin/test) and [ (/usr/bin/[) which take arguments to build test conditions and logical expressions.

[ is a weird file name to make the expressions more readable. It also expects a closing bracket as its last argument. To test, if $A is equal to 0, the following statements can be used:

test $A -eq 0     # Ok, 3 arguments for test
[ $A -ge 0 ]      # Ok, 4 arguments for [
[$A -ge 0]        # Syntax error, missing spaces

This explains the unusual syntax of the comparison operators and the necessary spaces around the brackets. Bash also provides a built-in command [[ which is very similar to [ and test. It has more features and is easier to handle.

[[ $A -eq 0 ]]    # exit code 0 iff $A is equal to 0

Test operations#

Numerical comparison#

The following table list comparison operators for integer values. It important to note that [[ interprets empty strings a numerical value 0. For example [[ $A -eq 0 ]] with A undefined has exit code 0, while [ $A -eq 0 ] yields an syntax error. Variables do not have to be declared as integers (decalre -i) for these test to work, they just have to valid string representations for integers, e.g. A=10, B=-12, C=013, … Otherwise [[ exits with an error and an exit code other than 0 or 1.






Greater than


\(\geq \)

Greater or equal



Less than



Less or equal



Equal to



Not equal to


Comparison of floating point numbers is seldom used and much more complicated. And extra tools like bc (basic calculator) have to be used. For example, testing $A \(\geq\) $B with floating point numbers is achieved by:

(( $(echo "$A >= $B" | bc) ))

String comparison#

The following table list the string comparison operators for [[. Instead of =, also == can be used to be more in line with most other programming languages.




Lexicographical less than


Lexicographical greater than


Equal to, the right hand side can contain bash wild cards


Equal to, the right hand side can be a regular expression


Not equal to

All comparisons are case-sensitive. And the lexicographical order may depend on the environment (LC_COLLATE).

The equality test = (or ==) accepts shell wildcards on the right hand size, e.g. * or ?. In particular they have to be escaped (on the rhs) for literal matches, e.g.

[[ $A = foo\? ]]

is true only for A=foo?, while [[ $A = foo? ]] evaluates to true for A=foo? or A=food.

The =~ is similar but accepts regular expressions on the right hand size.

[[ $A =~ ^foo.$ ]]

is true for all values of A starting with foo followed by exactly one other character.

File tests#

Often it useful to check if a file exits or its attributes, [[ implements some file tests. All operators in the following table are unary operators, i.e. just take one argument.




File or directory exists


File exists and is non-empty


File is executable


File is a regular file

For example [[ -x my_script.sh ]] has exit code 0 if and only if my_script.sh exists and is executable. A common bash idiom is to check if a file to executable before actually executing it: [[ -x foo.sh ]] && ./foo.sh.

Boolean operators#

To build more complex expressions, simpler ones can be combined by boolean operations. All these are dedicated shell built-ins and treat exit code 0 as “true” and everything else as “false”. However [[ does implement them as well, so they can be used inside and outside of [[-expressions. It is better to use them inside since this makes grouped conditions easier to write and read. As usual “not” has a higher precedence than “and”, which has higher precedence then “or”:






(non-exclusive) Or







Example: Both of the following expression evaluate to true, if A is not 1 and between 10 and 20, i.e. \( \neg (A=1) \land ( A \ge 10 \lor A \le 20)\):

[[ ! $A -eq 1 && ( $A -ge 10 || $A -le 20 ) ]]
! [[ $A -ne 1 ]] && ( [[ $A -ge 10 ]] || [[ $A -le 20 ]] )