
The pip-review tool is a small wrapper around pip that provides an easy way to update all installed packages.


When installing packages directly with pip, you can use pip list --outdated to view the packages with available updates. However there’s no built-in command to upgrade all outdated versions. Instead of lengthy bash commands, we suggest to make use of a third-party tool.


When called without additional arguments, pip-review delegates to pip list --outdated and returns the list of packages with available updates.

$ pip-review
some-package-name==2.0 is available (you have 1.0)

When called with the -a option it will install all updates.

$ pip-review -a

In the background, the list of all outdated packages will be passed to a single call of pip install --upgrade, thereby attempting to upgrade all packages simultaneously. Occasionally it happens that the dependency resolver of pip bails out with an error message because the requirements of some updates are mutually exclusive. You can then use the interactive switch to manually select the list of packages to upgrade.

$ pip-review -i
some-package-name==2.0 is available (you have 1.0)
Upgrade now? [Y]es, [N]o, [A]ll, [Q]uit y